Sandy Khorshed

Sandy Khorshed

Sandy is a marketing and design passionate. She studies industrial economics with the majors brand management and entrepreneurship at the University of Bremen. With her practical experience in event marketing and her life experience in Egypt and Saudi Arabia she completes the international team puzzle.

Recent posts by Sandy Khorshed

4 min read

RootCamp Batch #4: Agtech Startups Driving Sustainable Solutions

By Sandy Khorshed on Apr 24, 2023 1:31:00 PM

In the face of the pressing challenges affecting agriculture, the need for innovative solutions has never been more apparent. The new batch of Innovation Hub RootCamp has kicked-off, welcoming a cohort of seven highly promising international startups with breakthrough solutions in the field of circular economy, biodiversity and alternative proteins. During the intense 12-week program, the startups will receive individual support and resources to scale their solutions. RootCamp is backed by leading Agtech players such as the fertilizer and salt producer K+S, the seed producer KWS and the chemical company SKW Stickstoffwerke Piesteritz. Further support is provided by hannoverimpuls, DLG, the German AgriFood Society and DLG.

Let us introduce you to the seven startups of RootCamp Batch#4, who are breaking ground in agtech with their unique and sustainable solutions.

Topics: Startup Bios agtech RootCamp Livestock carbon farming
3 min read

From waste to livestock feed: The startup story of Biorefic

By Sandy Khorshed on Feb 2, 2023 9:40:48 AM

Regularly, we want to present to you the startups that are part of the RootCamp accelerator startup program. In our blog interview series, we introduce you to the founders, their innovative technology, and how RootCamp has taken the startup from Latvia to the next level. Get to know Biorefic of Batch#3.

Emils Paupe-Balodis Co-Founder of Biorefic at the Demo-days in Hannover

What does your startup do?

Biorefic develops technology for upcycling agricultural residues to advanced prebiotic ingredients for feed and food sectors. We unlock the value in biomass by extracting a unique, synergistic prebiotic compound. The technology is scalable, cost-effective and can be backward integrated into existing processing operations.

Can you give us an example of a product produced by Biorefic and its applications?

The technology of Biorefic is based on a process called biorefinery. It involves breaking down the biomass into small particles and then converting it into desired end products using microorganisms, enzymes, and chemicals. This process is energy-efficient, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective as it utilizes waste that would otherwise be disposed of. An example of a product is bioethanol. It is derived from agricultural waste such as grain and plant residue and can be used as fuel for cars and in the chemical industry. Another example is bioplastic, made from biodegradable materials and providing an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional plastic products.

How does your technology bring positive change to agriculture?

Biorefic is the enabler of true circularity. We are the link between the agri-food operators that generate significant volumes of underutilized agricultural residues, and animal feeds ingredient producers, seeking effective yet cost-competitive gut health solutions for ever-growing animal produce demand and challenges. We must tap into the available resources and bring them into agri-food systems to meet the ever-growing need for food.

Why did you decide to apply for RootCamp?

Germany is one of the agricultural hubs in Europe and it is important for us to establish networks as well as collaborations here for future opportunities. RootCamp was a perfect opportunity. The startup accelerator program provides grants with an amazing curriculum and mentors while being absolutely equity-free. We are also looking forward to collaborating with one of the industry partners.

How has participating in our accelerator program helped you with your business? 

RootCamp has helped us to clarify what potential investors are looking for, and how they are thinking, which has allowed us to clarify our development strategy and narrow the focus on things that truly matter for achieving growth as fast as possible. Moreover, it has been an absolute privilege to learn from the amazing colleagues from the other startups in the batch.

What are your plans for the near future?

We want to gather data to validate our products functionality and improve our technology’s defensibility. In addition, we have identified the pet food ingredients segment as a beachhead market, where production scale is not a prohibitive factor to set up pilot projects with industry partners. After these milestones, we would initiate the funding round to establish our own pilot production facility.

➡️ Do you want to level upyour startuplike Biorefic and benefit from our  unique ecosystem of innovation hub RootCamp? Subscribe to our newsletter and stay on track for the next application deadline.

Topics: Startup Bios Interview Livestock
7 min read

10 Reasons why RootCamp is interesting for later stage startups

By Sandy Khorshed on Dec 21, 2022 7:00:58 PM

You came across our startup program and wonder how your startup will benefit from participating? We often receive questions from later stage startups asking whether they fit into the program and what added value the participation has. In this article, we present to you 9 powerful arguments why established startups should definitely apply for our program. Let's go!

Topics: hannover agtech applynow RootCamp farming
3 min read

Livestock startup Cynomys revolutionizing agricultural monitoring

By Sandy Khorshed on Oct 20, 2022 11:53:51 AM

Regularly we want to present to you the startups that are part of the RootCamp accelerator startup program. In this interview series, we introduce you to the founders, their innovative technology, and how RootCamp has taken the startup to the next level. Get to know Cynomys of batch #3.

What does your startup do?

Cynomys has patented an IoT solution to monitor the environment on the farm, we have overcome technical difficulties that have allowed us to be the only ones able to accurately and continuously monitor environmental parameters such as fine dust, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, or methane. Our solution allows us to monitor over 30 environmental parameters according to the customer's needs, furthermore for greater accuracy of the data all our devices are calibrated in a certified laboratory.

How does your technology bring positive change to agriculture?

With precise environmental data, it is possible to improve farms’ efficiency, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, decrease mortality, increase productivity and reduction in the use of antibiotics are just some of the goals achieved by our customers. We work together with pharmaceutical industries, feed industries, and agri-food companies to improve and make current farming practices more sustainable.

Why did you decide to apply for the Innovation Hub RootCamp?

We believe that the best way to grow is the comparison in the dynamic ecosystems such as RootCamp. The startup accelerator program, despite being very complete, structured, and intense, is also designed to leave free time for startups that are already operational, and we are proud to have been selected. We also want to help livestock farming to be more sustainable in respect of animal welfare and in Europe, Lower Saxony is certainly one of the best places to start.

How has participating in our accelerator program helped you with your business? 

We have significantly expanded our network with exciting realities and we are already working to realize 3 new projects with companies and startups in the RootCamp ecosystem.

Enrico Carta (Co-founder of Cynomys) at the demo days of batch #3.

What are your plans for the near future?

We definitely want to close the investment round and expand our market by hiring new people in sales. Thanks to the many possibilities presented to us, we are also evaluating the possibility of opening a branch in the Hanover area.

Update 2024:
Cynomys Foods has secured seed funding of 2.1 million euros from Farming Future spearheaded this round, the National Technology Transfer Hub of Agrifood Tech Farming Future, initiated by CDP Venture Capital in collaboration with ToSeed & Partners. 

➡️ Do you want to level up your startup like Cynomys and benefit from the unique ecosystem of innovation hub RootCamp? Sign up for our newsletter and follow us on LinkedIn to not miss the next application deadline. 

Topics: Startup Bios Interview Livestock
3 min read

Improving animal welfare with VetVise's AI monitoring solutions

By Sandy Khorshed on Oct 13, 2022 9:00:00 AM

Regularly, we want to present to you the startups that are part of the RootCamp accelerator startup program. In this interview series, we introduce you to the founders, their innovative technology, and how RootCamp has taken the startup to the next level. Get to know VetVise of batch#3.

From left to right: Jakob Wendt (CTO – Background in Machine Learning & Datacenter Security), Johannes Schmidt-Mosig (data-driven veterinarian from TiHo Hannover), and Norman Caspari (Business Development & Administration)

What does your startup do?

VetVise puts the animal back at the center of pig and poultry farming. We care for the well-being of all animals by continuously monitoring them with cameras and AI to recommend actions that improve animal welfare and farm efficiency. AI analysis and linking with other data, such as slaughter data, optimize the entire value chain. We use cheap and off-the-shelf hardware for EdgeComputing to automate and objectify the stable management of the future. As a team, we are extremely diverse with very different professional backgrounds with the common goal to bring real benefit to the farmer. 

How does your technology bring positive change to agriculture?

VetVise helps farmers demonstrate compliance and improvement in animal welfare to the public and improve resource use. For example, the temperature in the barn is controlled according to what is optimal for the animals. Too cold would be bad for animal welfare and too warm would mean a waste of resources. This improves farm efficiency. The animal and its needs are the center of attention again - even if it is in a large barn.

Why did you decide to apply for the Innovation Hub RootCamp?

As a Hanoverian startup, we had already heard a lot of good things about RootCamp, which is located in Hanover. Before the application, we realized that we had to keep learning and professionalizing in order to continue to be successful. Within 1.5 years, we grew from 3 founders to a team with 15 people. 

How has participating in our accelerator program helped you with your business? 

We have learned how to professionalize our structures and hired for example some more people for the back office. The weekly coaching sessions are extremely helpful. As a result, we can start the next growth step in a few weeks. The extraordinary practical experience of the RootCamp team has also given us a lot of food for thought about the next to-do's.

Norman Caspari (Co-founder of Vetvise) at the demo days of batch#3.

What are your plans for the near future?

At the moment our focus is on establishing structures, hiring, and onboarding new team colleagues. After that, we will start with another financing round and want to begin with the first major customer outside of Central Europe in Q4.

Update 2024: 
VETVISE secures significant investment from several business angels including Dr. Wilhelm UFFELMANN and Marcus Schaper, as well as the LV digital subsidiary of Landwirtschaftsverlag GmbH.

➡️ Do you want to level up your startup like VetVise and benefit from the unique ecosystem of innovation hub RootCamp? Sign up for our newsletter and follow us on LinkedIn to not miss the next application deadline. 

Topics: Startup Bios Interview Livestock
3 min read

Meet RootCamp social media marketing mentor Vasco Nemitz

By Sandy Khorshed on Aug 29, 2022 10:56:42 AM

As a startup, you may be challenged with questions regarding the right social media marketing for your business. Uncertainties determine the everyday life of young founders. Fast and sustainable growth only works with successful marketing. Especially for startups that have not been established on the market for long, a good marketing strategy is essential. What good is the best product if no one knows about it? The marketing sector is in a constant state of flux. If you want to approach your customers not only in a targeted way, but also in a state-of-the-art manner, you have to keep an eye on the trends.

Topics: RootCamp Interview Mentors
5 min read

Get to know RootCamp startup coach Caspar Olenhusen

By Sandy Khorshed on Jun 15, 2022 9:36:25 AM

Get to know Caspar Olenhusen! He is one of RootCamp's startup coaches, with a passion for agriculture since his childhood. During his career in different countries like the USA and the UK, he collected a wide amount of knowledge and know-how to coach startups in the agribusiness and agtech scene.

Topics: agriculture startups RootCamp Interview Team