3 min read

Meet RootCamp social media marketing mentor Vasco Nemitz

Aug 29, 2022 10:56:42 AM

As a startup, you may be challenged with questions regarding the right social media marketing for your business. Uncertainties determine the everyday life of young founders. Fast and sustainable growth only works with successful marketing. Especially for startups that have not been established on the market for long, a good marketing strategy is essential. What good is the best product if no one knows about it? The marketing sector is in a constant state of flux. If you want to approach your customers not only in a targeted way, but also in a state-of-the-art manner, you have to keep an eye on the trends.

Social media provides startups a great opportunity to reach their target audience. Without spending much, you can boost brand awareness, and understand the preferences and behaviors of your customers.

Today we want to introduce you to the RootCamp mentor Vasco Nemitz, he is mentoring our startup founders in social media specifically in agriculture & AgTech, and helps them achieve more visibility and increase their sales.

Vasco Nemitz

Please introduce yourself and what you do.

My name is Vasco Nemitz. I’m the Co-Founder and COO of NK Digital Consulting, a marketing and creative agency specializing in the agricultural sector. We help our clients, such as agricultural machinery manufacturers, seed companies, and agtech companies, to develop future-proof marketing that is equally relevant in the digital age and reaches the right target groups.

How did you get into the AgriFood Tech industry?

I already had a lot of touchpoints with the agricultural, agtech, and forestry sectors in my previous job as a banker. At that time, it was more related to economic and investment topics. It was an exciting job, but I was missing creativity. So, one thing led to another, and I co-founded our agency – today I deal with how we properly position innovative solutions in this sector, build sustainable brands and generate sales for these companies.

What does mentoring mean to you personally?

As an entrepreneur, I know what it means to build a business and what challenges you face every day. You go through many ups and downs, and I am happy to pass on my learnings. At the same time, I learn a lot while mentoring. It's a good opportunity to look at things from different angles, and I enjoy exchanging ideas with like-minded people with similar goals.

What do you do as a mentor for RootCamp?

As a mentor for RootCamp, I focus on marketing, specifically social media. I help start-ups develop an understanding of why social media is essential as a marketing channel in this day and age, how they can reach their customers on the platforms and what kind of content makes sense.

Why did you decide to support the RootCamp startups?

I think everything to do with agriculture, agtech and foodtech is firstly super exciting and secondly fundamental to tackling our challenges as a society and environmentally. From what I've seen so far, RootCamp has built a superb program that supports startups tackling these challenges financially and especially financially with expert knowledge and an impressive network. Also, the team behind RootCamp is just awesome, I didn't have to think for a second about whether I would like to be involved.

➡️ We are constantly looking for individuals willing to support founders that bring a range of skill sets to the table. If you’re interested in being a RootCamp mentor, just shoot a message to Gaia Amatteis.

Sandy Khorshed

Written by Sandy Khorshed

Sandy is a marketing and design passionate. She studies industrial economics with the majors brand management and entrepreneurship at the University of Bremen. With her practical experience in event marketing and her life experience in Egypt and Saudi Arabia she completes the international team puzzle.

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