9 min read

Sustainable Innovation in Urban Mining: Bridging Startups & Corporates in the Circular Economy

By Mario Verbeek on May 24, 2024 5:15:40 PM

Imagine a world where everything we use gets a second life. This is the vision behind the circular economy as “a model of production and consumption, which involves sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products as long as possible”. 

Topics: Pilot Projects environment startups RootCamp
3 min read

RootCamp Demo Day #5 Transforming Value Chains

By Annkathrin Wahbi on May 10, 2024 4:48:30 PM

After an exciting three-month program and intensive preparation, the eagerly anticipated moment finally arrived. We welcomed attendees to the 5th Demo Day held at our headquarters in Hannover. This year's event for RootCamp Batch #5 brought together a multitude of stakeholders from our valued partnership network, uniting a diverse audience ranging from local startups and academic representatives to corporate collaborators. In the vibrant atmosphere of the event, the spotlight was focused on the values of innovation, collaboration, and the exciting potential for cross-industry synergy.

Topics: agriculture environment agtech RootCamp demo day
7 min read

RootCamp put livestock startups in the spotlight at EuroTier 2022

By Mario Verbeek on Dec 5, 2022 9:00:00 AM

EuroTier/EnergyDecentral is the leading livestock and energy fair organized by DLG (German Agricultural Society/Deutsche Landwirtschafts-Gesellschaft) every two years in Hanover. Over 1,800 exhibitors from 57 countries were present and around 106,000 visitors from 141 countries come by. An impressive performance for the first EuroTier after 4 years break due to a COVID-19!

Topics: agriculture environment agtech applynow Livestock farming climate-smart
6 min read

What do Hannover, environmental protection and startups have in common?

By Wiebke Gütschleg on Jun 4, 2021 9:27:02 AM

"Nothing changes if nothing changes". In order to be able to continue living on our earth, more must be done for the protection of the environment, nature and species. 

The World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5th and this gives us the opportunity to reflect on our contribution to the planet and to change our habits accordingly. The theme for this year is ecosystem restoration, with a special focus on creating a good relationship with nature (#GenerationRestoration). 
Topics: agriculture biodiversity environment hannover startups