Annkathrin Wahbi

Annkathrin Wahbi

Annkathrin is curious about sustainable production and technology adoption. She is currently pursuing a PhD in agricultural economics from the Georg-August-University in Göttingen and has studied Sustainable International Agriculture in Germany and Chile. Her work experience includes academic research, project management and innovation in various countries and institutions such as KWS, Oxfam and the DAAD. As Project & Innovation Manager at RootCamp she is responsible for various projects and business development activities. 

Recent posts by Annkathrin Wahbi

5 min read

Industry Hemp: A Key Crop to Advance Circular Systems?

By Annkathrin Wahbi on Jul 11, 2024 11:51:03 AM

Hemp is hip — almost nobody in Germany has escaped the recent discussions about cannabis legalization. But did you know that hemp has much more to offer and even holds considerable potential as a climate-friendly alternative to other crops? Scientists, politicians, and  the industry have renewed interest in Cannabis Sativa, one of the oldest cultivated plants in human history.

Topics: Startup Tips startups RootCamp FoodTech
3 min read

RootCamp Demo Day #5 Transforming Value Chains

By Annkathrin Wahbi on May 10, 2024 4:48:30 PM

After an exciting three-month program and intensive preparation, the eagerly anticipated moment finally arrived. We welcomed attendees to the 5th Demo Day held at our headquarters in Hannover. This year's event for RootCamp Batch #5 brought together a multitude of stakeholders from our valued partnership network, uniting a diverse audience ranging from local startups and academic representatives to corporate collaborators. In the vibrant atmosphere of the event, the spotlight was focused on the values of innovation, collaboration, and the exciting potential for cross-industry synergy.

Topics: agriculture environment agtech RootCamp demo day