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10 reasons to apply for the RootCamp startup Acceleration program - update 2024

Jun 28, 2021 3:28:36 PM

There are thousands of startup programs in a wide variety of fields. But there are very few for agtech startups. You probably heard about us on social media, somebody introduced you to us, or you ended up at RootCamp by chance. Either way, still need more information about us and our program? Still unsure if you should apply to RootCamp with your startup? Then I have written down 10 reasons why our accelerator program is the right one for you.

And don't forget: the next application deadline is 30th May 2024 and you can't miss it!

1. Our mission:

We have a clear goal in mind: disrupt the agrifood value chain. RootCamp is a stage-independent acceleration program focused on AgriFood Tech innovation based in Hannover, Germany. We support startups who want to accelerate their paths to market and have a positive impact in the AgriFood Tech sector with disruptive solutions. Are you ready to implement some kick-ass disruption with us? Because that's what we do.

2. Personalized Program:

Let's not kid ourselves: No two startups are the same. Each has its own ideas, concepts and approach. And also different goals. That's why you don't need an off-the-shelf program. What you need is a program that moves you forward. We design the program around your needs to help you achieve your goals. You will have some compulsory workshops divided in business areas and a pool of on demand workshops to choose from. We cover all aspects relevant for you such as legal & tax, marketing & PR, sales & internationalization, IT & HR. Also we continue to help founders in their journey also after the program thanks to our network of alumni and mentors. If you want to know what happened in the previous batch check out this blog article here.

3. Hannover:

What better place for an AgriFood Tech startup than the center of the agricultural industry in Germany - in the middle of Europe? Hannover is strategically located between the major global players in the industry. If you want to know more about Hannover and its region check out our blog article here.

4. Working space:

Speaking of Hanover. In the heart of Hannover and in the center of the capital of Lower Saxony stands the Jurco Haus - the home of RootCamp. We offer you 400mq in our lofty office space to develop and realize your ideas. In addition to a large coworking space, to which you have 24/7 access with your startup, we also have plenty of space for events, a fireplace room for meetings, enough corners to focus and an air hockey table to relax. In our kitchen there is always good coffee and time for a chat with the other startups and founders. Do you enjoy a fun atmosphere at work as much as we do? We believe in the motto "work hard play hard".

RootCamp co-working space at Jurco Haus in Hannover. 

5. Expertise:

We have an extensive network of startup coaches and industry experts in all kinds of fields who will accompany you and your startup on your way. Last year we offered more than 100 hours of 1:1s. In addition, we offer an online learning platform with 90 learning units that you can access from anywhere. You still have questions? We are personally at your side and will find a solution for your challenges together with you.

6. Focus on implementation:

Your idea sounds good in theory and you are ready to take the step into practice? Our industry partners want to take this step with you! You will work together with big companies, such as our global partner K+S or our strategic partner KWS, and get traction through pilot projects. This way, you not only learn where your project can still be expanded, but you can also experience first-hand what corporate practice looks like. Of course, our partners are also interested in the success of the pilot projects, which is why you will receive all the support you need. In fact, every startup is paired with an "internal champion" from our partners. The "internal champion" is an employee of the corporate partner that is the point of reference and technical mentor for the startup.

7. Capital and equity free:

Although it's not often common, there are still accelerators and incubators that require an equity stake in your startup for their program. Be it in the form of company shares or knowledge ownership. And we know how it feels when you develop and raise something great – and then have to give away parts of it. At RootCamp, that doesn't happen. It's your startup and your idea. So you get the full scope of the program from us while retaining 100% ownership of your startup. We want you to focus on your solution. For every phase of our program we will grant financial support, so you focus just on disruption. No matter if it runs 3 or 12 months. No equity, no shares, no fees. The incubation grant can reach up to 50k euro.

8. all phases:

You are not sure if our program is the right one for you because you are still very far in the beginning with your idea? Or do you still have doubts about applying because you have already put a lot of time and work into your startup and are well advanced in the development process? It does not matter whether you are a pre-seed, seed, or later stage startup. We offer an intense program which is customizable according to your needs. For early stage startups, we have an acceleration program of 3 months and a subsequent incubation program up to 12 months. Here the focus is on investor readiness. For later stage startups, we are accepting rolling applications so there is no deadline and you can apply all year long. Here the focus is on the collaboration with our corporate partners.

9. International:

We accept applications from all over the world. Last year we got 20% applicants from Germany, 60% from the rest of Europe and 20% from outside Europe. We have more than 3000 startups in our database covering all regions. The entire program is in English and thus fluency level is required. We have mentors and investors from different parts of the world as well as a network of organizations that can help you expand to Germany, if you are based somewhere else, or, the other way round, set-up internationally, if you are a German startup.

10. COmmunity:

The RootCamp is not completely alone either. We belong to an ecosystem made of an accelerator (SpinLab), a VC fund (Smart Infrastructure Ventures), and a digital hub (Smart Infrastructure Hub in Leipzig). Our direct ecosystem features these four distinct players in Germany, all focusing on different areas, but are all working together to bring innovation and startups to the next level. The benefits for our startups? The knowledge that is available is huge and ready to be shared with you.

10. yOU:

You are change makers and entrepreneurs, who are passionate, committed and forward looking. The main selection criteria are you, your team and your ideas. We invest 100% in you and expect the same from you. Together we can disrupt the agrifood value chain and build something big. Are you ready?


If you've read this far, you hopefully got a more detailed and personal look at what it means to become part of the RootCamp universe. We love what we do and help our startups realize their ideas and goals. In doing so, the fun of the work is always in the foreground.

Our goal is to disrupt the AgriFood value chain. And we mean it. We need passionate and motivated founders who are eager to make a big difference. Are you one of them? Then apply now with your startup for our upcoming batch and be part of RootCamp!

On our homepage you can find more information about RootCamp and the team behind it. And of course about our program and what drives us. 

Emilia Muñoz

Written by Emilia Muñoz

Emilia diving into the world of International Business for a second bachelor's. With a marketing background, they're putting theory into practice as a work-student at RootCamp.

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